Styrofoam in ocean

I was recently on a little island at sea where bits of styrofoam had washed up. The bad thing about styrofoam is how it can multiply into so much micro-plastic and potentially be eaten by our friends 🐠 in the ocean

I was lucky since the styrofoam were still in fairly big bits, but it’s very scary to see how long it lives. The bits I found looked old, but styrofoam can actually live for 50 years in water (source: World Economic Forum)

After the styrofoam reach the water, it would start to break down into smaller pieces, creating the problem of micro-plastic. As you can see, it is better to pick the plastic before it breaks down, and hopefully before it enters the water all together

So please take with you your plastic, and also other peoples plastic, specially if places near water, as it can do so much damage there.