New Years Resolution

New Year, New Green Resolutions!

2018 is here, and with it, new possibilities to do and be the best version of yourself, for yourself and the environment, if you let it. I am all about new beginnings at the moment, coming back to finish my last semester at the teacher studies course I'm taking at NTNU, leaving Greenpeace, for now. 

Let this be the year when you start living by your ideals. If you've been meaning to cut down on meat eating, or cut meat entirely, now is the time to do it.

What step have you been meaning to take in your own personal life to live a greener lifestyle? Have you thought about:

  • Letting the car stand, and rather use public transportation or biking on your way to work? 
  • Getting more involved in the environmental movement and becoming supporting member of an environmental organisation? 
  • Using your voice and vote in elections to promote environmentally conscious politicians? 
  • Reading yourself up on a seemingly big environmental topic, as Norwegian oil drilling? 
  • Taken a closer look at your own carbon footprint

You are in luck, because there is no better time than the present to start taking one or more of these steps. This kind of thought process was part of my decision to make 2017 my year of ShopStop. The year is now finished, and my regular Sunday blogpost will be a review of how it went. 

Let 2018 come with all the new beginnings that follows. 
